Metanet Fintech

Risk & Compliance management


Risk Management System

Metanet Fintech build risk management system for MARKET, CREDIT, OPERATIONAL and LIQUIDTY risk of financial companies.


Market risk system

The market risk system measures the losses due to changes in market prices such as interest rates, stock prices, exchange ratesand commodity price and itprovides sensitivity, value at risk (VaR), back test, stress test, expected shortfall(ES) and standardized approach function.

Credit risk system

The credit risk system measures the expected and unexpected loss due to counterparty default and credit rating migration and it provides VaR, standardized approach, internal rating based approach function.

Operational risk system

The operational risk system consists of RCSA, KRI, loss data management, and operational risk RWA measurement functions to evaluate and control the possibility of loss due to inappropriate processes or systems, lack of employee managementor external events.